From Unpaid Podcaster to Nearly 1 Billion YouTube Views: How this QLB Client Built and Sold his Online Advertising Business

April 11, 2018 00:32:44
From Unpaid Podcaster to Nearly 1 Billion YouTube Views: How this QLB Client Built and Sold his Online Advertising Business
The Quiet Light Podcast
From Unpaid Podcaster to Nearly 1 Billion YouTube Views: How this QLB Client Built and Sold his Online Advertising Business

Apr 11 2018 | 00:32:44


Show Notes

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Ricky Brigante started Podcasting 13 years ago about something he loved, Disney. The Podcast lead to a blog, that turned into a full blown website with over 11,000 articles, 70,000,000 page views, and a YouTube channel with nearly 1,000,000,000 (that’s a BILLION!) views. Ricky took his business from a hobby to being an invited guest to Star Wars openings and walking down the “red carpet” in Hollywood. Ricky seemed to have the dream business, yet after a number of years he grew tired of it and wanted to move onto his next adventure. He tried replacing himself first, and failed. In this Podcast Ricky shares his story, his triumphs and mistakes. He talks openly about hiring friends and family, being passionate about what you do, and making an eventual exit from a business he loved. Episode Highlights:


Mark: Joe how are you? Joe: Doing great Mark, how are you? Mark: I'm doing well! I understand that you got to talk to one of our clients recently Ricky Brigante, am I saying that right? Joe: You're saying it right Ricky Brigante. He's the founder of Inside the Magic, he started of just a Podcaster literally thirteen years ago, he said "You know what this podcasting looks cool, I'm going to go ahead and talk about Disney".  I love Disney! We're going to talk about that, and within a few months he had thousands of followers and it led to a, an eventual blog which became an eventual website to eventual Youtube channel to an eventual 900 million views on Youtube, I did say "Nine hundred million" that's nearly a billion views, 11,000 articles on the website, something like 64 million views, 17 million views in the last 12 months. Just incredible for volume on the numbers and one of the smartest things he said that he's sharing his advice not just in terms building a content business and the ways that he did it and following his passion, but the fact that he just sold the business, he said something most sellers don't necessarily want to hear which is, don't be afraid to have a conversation with someone like you or me or Jason or Chuck because you're only going to learn from it and he wished that he did that 3 or 4 years ago. Because he feels like he would have sold his business for a whole lot more if he just planned in advance. Mark: Yeah, I mean, you know this Joe, a lot of times when a business owner talks to us, and they're not in the mindset of selling, they hear what we do, they always get defensive. We see this at conferences a lot, they come up to the table and they say, "So what do you do?", "We help you to sell your online businesses.", "I don't want to sell.", "That's okay, you don't need to. I'm not going to sell your business without you knowing, trust me." Joe: Life happens, life gets in a way, get a great pair, you know, whatever happens. You mature and you realize that "I'm never going to sell my business" is a temporary mind set. You should always build your business with the idea of selling it. I talked to, probably, I asked this question about half a dozen people this week at the show, which is "Do you know what the value of your house is?", "Yeah it's about this.", "Do you know what the value of your car?", "Yeah, it's about this.", "How's the value of your 401 [inaudible 0:03:19] set?”, “It’s about this.”, “What’s the value of your business?" Silence. They really don't know, they don't know how to calculate it and in most of those times the most valuable asset that they own is their business. So Ricky talked about that a little bit and he just talks really about content sites, content development, advertising, following your passion, and there's really not a whole lot of tricks to it. No gimmicks, just really, just doing the right thing, and the traffic follows. Mark: I love these interviews with previous clients; I think there's just so much insight to gain from them. I don't have too much more to say, so let's go ahead and get into the interview. Joe: Let's do it. Joe: Hey Ricky, welcome to the Quiet Light Podcast! How are you doing today? Ricky: Wonderful! Thank you very much for having me. Joe: Well it's good to have you on, it's good to see you, yet I haven't physically seen you and people that are listening were actually recording this as well, on video. Haven't seen you since we did the recording for getting your business launched and sold, which is now done. So we're here to talk about that process and more about you and your experience as a content creator a Youtuber, all these things that you've done with some huge members. But as I said in the intro, or as pre intro as we talked, we don't do fancy introductions about people, we want to hear it straight from the horse's mouth so, for everybody listening, why don't you just give us a little bit of a background on you, your backstory, and that kind of thing. Ricky: Absolutely! So yeah, I'm Ricky Brigante, obviously. I started a website, well it was originally a Podcast called Inside the Magic 13 years ago, and at that time, I just freshly moved to Orlando. You know, I was from Florida, was visiting theme parks particularly Disney for my whole lifetime. Going on trips with family and all that. And then I went to school, I went to college, decided to move to Orlando, that'd be close to it all. Then heard of this thing called the Podcast and I got it, sounds fun, I had sort of dabbled in audio video production through my schooling years, and I was like, "Okay I'll just do this for a fun hobby. I'll talk about Disney in maybe 10 or 15 minutes a week, and then after a few weeks I'll probably get bored of it and moved on." And so, much to my surprise, within, literally the first episode, all of the sudden there were over a hundred of people who tuned in, and I was like, "Oh that's okay, sure, that's not bad." Started getting emails from people and then get a hundred turned into two hundred and turned into five hundred, and over the first few weeks suddenly was thousands. I was like, "Oh this is, I guess a thing that I'm going to be doing!" So, without going through the entire 13-year-history, essentially the Podcast kept steamrolling like that, eventually got to a point where I turned it into a full website, not just an audio show. Created a blog which ultimately turned into sort of a news site. Around the, not just Disney but expand more of the team that are tamed in the industry, Universal and other independent attractions and over years and years of doing that by myself. It kept growing and I realized I needed help, and so I started bringing out volunteers and then started paying people as more advertising money came in, and along the way, got accepted by Disney and Universal and others to be at grand openings and trying events, and do amazing interviews, and add some pretty fantastic times, eventually, finally realizing "Oh, this is actually a business in the making to more than just me.." So I started hiring people, went through few staff changes and ultimately found an amazing team of reporters that's really selling and impressed me like crazy. After all of that, I finally got to go to a place where I was like, you know I think I've hit where I'm good with this. Everybody's doing a great job and somebody else could probably come in and do a better job that I could know him because I want to pursue everything. That's it in a nutshell. Joe: Well you did it longer than most entrepreneurs. Most do it for six or seven years. Some get tired after two or three but you did it for 13 which is a long time. How long was it before you went from the Podcast to the blog and generating advertising rather? Ricky: For the first, maybe two or three years, there was no revenue at all. It was just a hobby, completely. What I did in my spare time which got increasingly more and more even into my fair time and then I was like "Ah maybe I should throw some ads on this", and so it started picking up, but it wasn't really until five or six years in doing that, you know. Because this was before Youtube, before Facebook, before Twitter, before blogs really had gotten, you know, become as big as they are. It took a while for, sort of these big companies to realize the value in allowing me to be part of their, sort of, big media festivities and arranging interviews, allowing me access to cover things in a much better way than just some [inaudible 0:08:12] and so at that point, that's when things really started to, sort of explode, particularly with the Youtube channel. That would, sort of always the bread and butter of it. Joe: So let's talk about the youtube channel. I think you've got almost 800 million views on Youtube is that right? More than that actually. Ricky: It's over 900 million now but, I mean it's mine anymore. But yeah, I was getting close to a billion views on the channel which is a lot. Joe: That's really incredible, close to a billion views. Tell us how you did that, how did you.. Did you hire some, who did help you with the Youtube channel? Talk about that a little bit for anybody listening that may have a content site and wants to get that video portion of it. What is the right process and right thing to do there, in your experience? Ricky: Yeah, I'm not sure there's a one right methodology, well it definitely helped that I was joining that very early on, you know, right when Youtube was in its infancy and so there wasn't a lot of content like I was putting out. Theme park related content at that time, so that always helps. You know when you get in early, obviously that doesn't help any of you today, but I think the key, and this would actually be true for Youtube, be true for Podcast, be true for the website, it's to produce really good quality content on a regular basis, and then most importantly, see what people pay attention. Just because you're focused on this one thing, maybe everybody is really liking this other thing that you're doing, that will sort of, not even really, it was an afterthought. You know, it's okay to gravitate towards what people are enjoying most, and just find your path from there. Joe: So did you take.. Did you advertise on your blog, on your website that you had a Youtube channel? Did that start to get the views there? Or you paid advertising? Ricky: Well it was kind of a combination. I never, in the history of the 13 years, I almost never paid for any advertising for Inside the Magic. I did minor Facebook ads here and there, I mean, boost a few posts but other than that, I really didn't do any. It all grew very organically. Fortunately that, what's great about a Podcast, I'm sure you know this, it's very personal connection to a certain sort of viewers, and it allows you to sort of.. They feel they're a good friend of yours and so when you say "Hey, I started this Youtube channel, come check it out", like "Oh cool! Ricky started a Youtube channel!" not like, "This corporation has tried to do this promotional thing." It feels like a personal relationship, and as long as you don't try to take too much advantage of that, you know, you treat people like people, not just as products or customers or, you know. Everybody's out there because there you sharing a passion. That's what really came down to, so that shove through no matter which version of sayings I was working well. Joe: So the Podcast really led a lot of people to the Youtube site. Ricky: I think so, at first. That's before it really started. But then Youtube has its own recommendation engine and it found, just a sort of, a life of its own, that there will be people on the Youtube channel that had no idea there was a Podcast, and had no idea there was a website, and there are people on the website that have no idea there was a Youtube channel. It's sort of these individual unique communities that definitely, sort of grew organically, I would say, back when Facebook organic reach was a lot better than it is now, you know, several years ago, that also help drive viewers to  Youtube. You know, you used to do all the plays that Youtube video on Facebook and that would show up huge on everyone's feed, and would auto play, and that was a great way to get off, wherein nowadays you can't do that anymore. Joe: Well on that Facebook site, you've got a pretty good following something, like three quarters of a million? a million followers? Ricky: Yeah, almost. Joe: I keep saying you, and it's not you anymore, it's Kurt, the guy who bought it and that owns it. So I'll sled a back and forth here, but three quarters in a million social media followers, almost 900 million video views, I would.. How many actually paid views on the website itself? Do you know? Ricky: Oh gosh. I mean, we were at a height pushing a million uniques a month. Joe: Okay, that's pretty impressive. How did you churn out the articles? I know there were about 11,000 articles at the time we launched the business for sale. How did you consistently write new contents on a regular basis and did you focus on certain keywords for SEO purposes or did you just write good quality stuff and people watched? Ricky: You know that was a huge learning curve for me. I've always been a pretty decent writer but I didn't know what it, I mean I never went to journalism school, I didn't know what it meant to write a specific kind of writing. That is note informational, largely, and telling a story. And I knew very early on that I never, despite doing a Podcast for people just listen to me, [inaudible 0:13:01] on about things. I never really wanted the focus to be on me, it was always about the content, and what I was talking about or writing about, it was the information I was presenting and doing that in such a way, that made people interested in befall story. It wasn't just like, "Here's a little tidbit" moving on. You know it was like, what does that mean? What's the why? I focused on "why" a lot, really. You know, they say that there's that five W's. But to me, "why" is always the hardest question to answer, it's the most interesting question. You know, what's the reason that a designer put this thing on the wall. Why now? Why this place? Why this IP? Do you know there's a million why's people always ask and those are the hard questions that I tries to largely focus on when writing, and in the process, I definitely wrote with an SEO mindset. I didn't write traditional grabby headlines, so much as like Google friendly headlines with a lot of keywords. I definitely tried to write content that had.. If I was writing about a specific new ride that Disney opened, for example, I would make sure to include exactly that particular phrasing of that ride, five or six times in the article so that, you know, those sort of standard SEO tactics, and that works fairly well. It got us a good place when in new cycles. Joe: Were you writing for Google or for the person that was actually going to read it or a combi? Ricky: Definitely a combination. I tried to keep both in mind because I don't want to be illegible. I didn't want to just see like it was this keyword saturated nonsense. So I guess it was a balance of figuring out, "Okay, how much keyword saturation did I need and how long could I make the piece of it that felt very natural?" Joe: Okay. So for those that are developing content sites, really, the way I look at yours and still do is that this is a real legitimate business, in a passionate niche that you care deeply about and share that enthusiasm with others the end result was a fantastic business that's sold at a great price for you and also provided a good living for more than a decade. Ricky: Yeah. Definitely I think the passion is what was the most important about it all and that's ultimately what influenced my decision to sell the business. Because over the years, you know, you do something for.. I did the podcast literally, every week for 10 years I didn't miss a single week and after that got a little burned out on it, you know, the passion was starting to dwindle, and I knew that I couldn't produce my best work if didn't have my heart behind it. Whereas I saw, as I brought on new staff members, their passion was, reminded me of how, you know, when I started. Then I was like "Okay it's time to hand that off" because I have, you know other passions that I wanted to follow in life, and it's time to move on. Joe: Talk about that process a little bit. Let's shift from the development of this amazing content site. This Youtube machine that you built, to the business you decided to sell. I think you and I, prior to listing the business, we've been chatting for a better part of the year I think, right? Ricky: Yeah it was like eight or nine months before we finally listed it, that I first emailed you and at that time you were like "ah you've seen that, you got to work on this, you got to work on that" so.. Joe: Right, and you had made the decision at one point like many entrepreneurs, you're like "okay I’m tired, I’m done, I need to let somebody else to run this". Ricky: Right. Joe: And you stepped back from it, and you put other people in place. Tell us how that, worked out a little bit. And what your mindset was at that time and how you had to shift afterwards. Ricky: Definitely really challenging process to go from what was largely a one man operation to becoming a legitimate for like a, or a better word "business" it was.. I went through almost three entire staff, sort of setups, before I finally found the right group of people and the right flow and the way that it worked. It was hard for a while you know, It's like I had some really amazing people and they just didn't work well together, and I wasn't able to give it my all to make it work and so then I was like "okay move this person out, move this person in", it was like a, you know, a chess game, figuring it out, the great pieces next to each other. It was definitely a lot of work. I didn't realize that, in trying to remove myself from the business, I was actually giving myself more works that I had ever done. Joe: You are no longer a writer, a Podcaster, you are really manager of people that were not happy with each other, unfortunately. Ricky: Yeah, definitely, I'm in, and ultimately people were very happy with each other fortunately. So I had to learn how to be a boss, how to be a manager, how to be a, you know, some staffing, recruiter. I have never done anything of these things before so I just figured it out as I went.. Joe: Right. So you built that up, you were a one man trip for a long, long time put staff in place. And then you stepped back from the business and I think that's when we first chatted. You were kind of burnt out and you had stepped away from the business and, unfortunately it timed with your cost going up and some of your numbers coming down. Ricky: Right. Joe: Then the decisions some of the people made and you stepped back in, still wasn't full time, I don't think it was full time at all, by the time we started talking. But the timing of the sale is critically important as you've learned, right? Ricky: Yes, yeah definitely, no that's a good point cause, yeah, I had over staffed and that was impacting the bottom line, tremendously. To the point where there is even a negative month which was not happy to see. So I knew at that point, I was like even if it's not going in the right direction, and makes some drastic changes and yeah, even though I have stepped back significantly for a whole year, I had to jump in full force which of course you know, when you told me to, [inaudible 0:18:40] what I needed to do, I was not happy at all. I get it. But somehow, you know, I found it within myself "Oh my God, if I’m going to do this, I’m going to commit to this idea" and i, yeah, with your guidance which, thank you it helps, tremendously. You know, checking in throughout the months and sort of navigating the.. You know, I've never sold a business before, I didn't know what that process was like, so it helped tremendously for you to be incredibly patient. Walking through the process and eventually I fully understood what it was going to take for you to get there. Joe: Well, let's talk about that for a moment because I've had these conversations a lot and often times I'm tacking myself on the chest and you've got to have the heart to do it. Right? Because it's easy to look at the P&L and the numbers in the trends and say like, Mark Doust told me when I first sold my business through Quiet Light in 2010. He said, "Joe, wait six more months, the trailing, 9, 10, 11, or 12 would fall off and you'd make an extra amount of dollars." and I did. I waited. You and I had that same conversation and that worked. Dozens of entrepreneurs, what you had, and what's so important for those people listening is the heart to do it. Because you were done, you were tired, you were ready to move on, you set back from the business, and you said "I've got a cash calcu, this is just going to keep generating revenue, these people that run it for me, and unfortunately it didn't work" and  the trends took an ugly turn, you stepped in and you fixed it, but we had to give it sometime right? We talked for eight or nine months. So what we did, for people listening, is that we let that time pass, and then we sell at the most recent, six months did it, we absolutely did not do six months times 2 to get the trailing 12. We had to still do the trailing 12 months because every buyer wanted that. Every buyer looked at that, and the business was seasonal. It's Disney right? There's, big events, there's summer times, there's fourth quarter, there's Thanksgiving, Christmas, all those things. So we had to adjust the P&L to what you've been doing the last six months, and do, some things that you don't necessarily want to do, which is proforma stuff. What we did with Math, and logic, and a lot of work on your part, and it worked. We had a couple of offers right out of the gate and of course... Ricky: Surprisingly fast! Joe: Surprisingly  fast, but we knew, right? That this is a niche where it's full of passion, where it goes from you and the people that visited, by the millions every month. The couple of people that come to mind, were they passionate about Disney? Or were they just investors? Ricky: Right. Joe: One of them was, very very passionate about Disney. I think he probably visited more than you, right? Ricky: Lately yeah, that's probably true over the last couple of years. Joe: Yeah, so it was a matter of finding the right person for the business and being very passionate about it. But for those listening, we did find an SBA buyers, Small Business Administration, and there were some real benefits for that, and there were never some real challenges along the way, timing wise. Typically, SBA loan is going to take an extra 30-45 days with a cash buyer. In this case, I think we were at least at 90 days, is that right? Ricky: More than. We were pushing a hundred and something. Joe: So we went through Thanksgiving and Christmas so console things down. Ricky: Yeah. Joe: But the whole process took a little long and the communication was a little hard and you were very patient. What was the upside for those who think to having to wait? It was, that you own the business for an extra 45, 50, 60 days and you got that revenue, right? Ricky: Right, well sure . Specially in the business that I've been doing, you know, a lot of that revenue that comes in is on that 30 even sometimes on that 60, so I'm actually still even though we closed a couple of weeks ago, I'm still going to get it after we did additional chat in another couple of weeks, I'm just, from some of that residual, you know, what last, last month that was added on there that wasn't expected but sure, I'll take it. Joe: Right. Alright so, let's talk about what if you could do it all over again, on the business itself. In terms of that transition from being a solo entrepreneur to hiring people, to trying to step back and realizing you wanted to sell. Is there anything you would do differently, for anybody that's listening, that wants to walk down your path and live in it, eventual step. Ricky: Yeah, definitely, and this is probably the case of a lot of people that, you know, okay you're by yourself, you're working like crazy on something that you're passionate about, you want to bring on help. Who do you go to? You go to people you know. You go to your friends, you go to family, or people that feel like family. It's, you work very well with those people at first, but you don't know how that working relationship's going to be and then more importantly, if that yourself, you don't know what the fall out about is going to be. And is there, you know, the challenge of having to tell someone who is a friend, "I don't want you anymore.", that's really hard whereas you just hire someone out of the blue, a lot easier to part ways, when, you know, make those business decisions that you need to make. So, I definitely realize and I will carry this forward in any business I'm ever involved, will begin with, from in that vision that I would rather hire people that, it's like, that I don't know, or that I only professionally know. That I know they're good worker, and I don't need to try to socialize with them. You know, it was hard for me to transition into that boss role. Never hire someone you can't fire. Exactly that's a very assisting to way of putting in. Joe: Okay, and then in terms of position, the business for sale, looking back, are there certain things that you wish you had done? Ricky: Oh boy, I guess, well, I mean that's inter-relevant to what we were just saying. I wish I had, you know, got rid of some extra people sooner so that I wouldn't have had such, a couple of, you know, poor months that we're bringing the numbers down. I guess I wish I had started thinking about this, like, earlier. That it's not as scary as I thought. I wasn't going to be to just open that conversation with someone like you to understand what it takes to sell a business, what you need to strive for. If I had known that, two or three years ago, I probably could have sold sooner and potentially even at a higher price because I would have been more focused on putting the pieces together without even trying to rush to make that out. Joe: Right. So, I was at the Prosper Show last week and I've said this probably 85 times. Don't wake up one day and decide to sell. Ricky: Right. Joe: Plan to sell. And that's what you're saying, is that if you plan it well in advance, don't be afraid to have conversations with people about the value of your business and what to do and how to do it. You're a mature entrepreneur or professional, no one is going to talk you into signing an engagement letter just to get their hooks and do for commission. Have that conversation, that's what the advices are there for. More people they talk to, the more business they get for themselves as well. So, plan to sell. Don't decide to sell. Think about it well in advance as the other piece of drives that you give. Ricky: Definitely. Joe: Okay, and on the content creation side, you think that, if anybody can pull off you on the Podcast, they should go for it because it gets more personal? Ricky: Yeah, I saw a really funny video going around online, it was from Funny or Die, or College Humor, one of those. Where someone was going to start a Podcast about something in [inaudible 0:26:22] and the whole video was focused on reasons why to shoot and start a Podcast. Say, it was literally called "Your Podcast will fail", and approximate, it was essentially, there are a lot of Podcast out there. Not everybody wants to listen to you, talk about the way it's set instead of the Game of Thrones, you know. But if you do have a significant passion about something and this is why I think it worked for me, I didn't really set out to make it a business, you know. I did it because I wanted to, because I was going to have fun with it, because I wanted to connect with people, and that's what a Podcast is [inaudible 0:26:51]for. So if your goal is to do anything that's just, "Hey, I'm talking to you because I enjoy it and because I want to bring a connection together." I think that's a great reason to do it. Not so much if you're just looking to either become famous or make it click bot because you're probably not going to do either one of that quickly. Joe: And you know what you did though, and you're very humble about it. You took a hobby, "I'm going to spend 15-20 minutes talking about something I love." every week to 11,000 articles, 700,000 social media followers, almost a billion video views. That's pretty huge, so don't go lightly about, you know, you own endorsements, you've done something pretty impressive. What do you moving on to now? what's your next adventure? I think you're staying in the attractions area right? Ricky: Yeah, I have went on really, sort of, unexpected results of doing what I did for the last 13 years was being a, having a tremendous chances to get to know some of the top talent in the themed entertainment industry. From, you know, the best designers that have been there for decades at Disney, you know. People who I really respect and look up to, and people who I've read about in books. And I was like, "Oh, now I get to talk to this person." It's like I, over, you know. The last 13 years, I've gotten, sort of a, master class in design, in themed entertainment designs specifically. So, I've been so inspired, I went on a way that now I was re-venturing of, to be a creator instead of just a commentator or an observer. So, I've joined a company called Pseudonym Productions here on Orlando to create our own productions. We've actually already done four over the last three years, but now we're really, you know, I'm going to be spending a lot more time, full time, making a, have a more permanent place that we can, you know. People can enjoy what we do year around rather than just a few weeks of their time. Joe: Are you future Walt Disney? Is that what you're saying? Years from now it's going to be you? Ricky: I think our content might a little bit unique and possibly weird side sometimes. More skewed toward the older audiences, but sure. You know, anything's possible and I would love to see what we've started very small good, just like I did with, you know, beginning at a Podcast and that sort of, growing and growing and growing. That's for the next 10 years, and who knows how big this could become if it does, you know, productions running worldwide. Joe: Right, you're passionate about something and based upon your history, I'm sure you'd going to do pretty amazing with it. Will you continue as a freelance writer for the parts of Disney for Inside the Magic? Ricky: Well, I will say that, with the new owner occurred, I already sort of a hand shake agreement that I’m going to come back next year when the big Star Wars land opens, cause I’m a huge Star Wars nerd, I didn't want to miss out on that, so I think I’ll pod back in from time to time you know whenever he might need some help or just when I’m sort a beg him to go to some cool event but, for the most part I’m going to try put myself in some distance there. Joe: Awesome, well you probably need some break from it. In time I think you'd probably say to yourself "Gosh I wish I could get in, I wish I could meet that person". As long as you keep a good relationship with Kurt you've gotten in, Right? Ricky: I sure hope so. Joe: As then next, Walt Disney people will be coming to you anyway. Any last minute thoughts, any advice that you'd give an entrepreneur that's developing a content site, a Youtube channel, in terms of what they can do to do as well as you have. Ricky: Well so, here's a thing that I’m taking forward with me even with Pseudonym Productions, because it's also, you know, we're going to generate contents, a very different type of content, but it's still content creation, and I think it's important to, well, be business minded about it. It's really doing it because you love it, and because you can, as you're saying earlier "The heart for it". Joe: I think if you start in with a goal of something astronomical and massive from nothing, is a good chance you're not going to get there, in every, not as quickly as you hope you will. But you know it's, write what you know, what you love, you know, whether you're just making a blog or writing something or you're taking photos for Instagram. Do it because you love it and don't early have any expectations. You know, sort of clear your mind, share things that you like and follow, you know, wherever that goes. I mean it's, most of it is free to do you know, everyone's got a phone, everyone's got, you know, their internet connection, just do it, create. You know. Joe: I like it. That's excellent advice. I appreciate your time man. We're running out, I want to make sure that we share some show notes, people to reach out to. What was the name of production company again? Ricky: Pseudonym Productions and the website is, and that's where all the contact info's listed. Joe: They can reach you there and they should definitely look it up if they're ever heading to Orlando right? As an alternative to Inside the Magic? Ricky: Yeah. Yeah, exactly and we're, you know, looking for partners as well that create awesome new things. So if anyone likes what you see on the website and want to become part of it, reach out. You know, I'll send an email back. Joe: Fantastic. Thanks for your time Ricky, I appreciate it. Ricky: Absolutely. Thank you. Links: Ricky’s Next Adventure: Pseudonym Productions: LinkedIn: Twitter: Personal site:

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Episode Cover

Negotiating Terms With Suppliers to Save Cash Flow with Dan Ashburn

On today’s episode of Quiet Light, Dan Ashburn joins us to discuss negotiating terms with your suppliers. Dan is the co-founder of Titan Network,...
